What is happening here?
These statistics show how many times someone tweets "i love..." or "i hate..." in 8 geographical locations, to expose how much love or hate is spread in the year 2010.
The locations chosen represent the "Top Twitter Countries" and "Fastest Growing Cities" as defined in the "Inside Twitter" report conducted by Sysomos in June 2009, and thus should generate a good poll that can be applied over the entire Twitter world.
Where do these numbers come from?
The numbers are accumulated with an array of search queries done through the Twitter API. The numbers to the different locations are updated every hour resp. every half hour (for the 3 big areas -- USA West & East and Europe).
The word search list shows words that were mentioned at least 250 times and the full word list contains all words with 25 and more mentions. They are both updated every 12 hours.
Are the numbers 100% accurate?
The figures might not reflect the exact number of "i love..." or "i hate..." tweets created, as the hourly/half-hourly update might go unresolved when the Twitter search does not respond in time or when it returns an excessive amount of tweets. However, through the amount of inquires done, the percentages do reflect a pretty accurate number.
Who's responsible for this?
What tools were used to build this?
Adobe Illustrator, Flash & Photoshop, PSPad editor & Notepad. With ActionScript 3, PHP/MySQL, AJAX & jQuery. The "latest tweets" sections is powered by Juitter and the search function is based on w3school's AJAX Live Search example.